I will be at my happiest, and that’s for sure!

What will your life be like in three years?

This question is crazy ’cause I can’t really tell where life will lead me in the years to come as my life for the most part has been a complete train wreck, you know, life has been lifing lately. God has been throwing me all the hardest battles, and it’s been a constant cycle of me wanting to give up. Literally. I swear I’m tired. It’s just me dodging bullets after bullets, and boy, do the bullets ever stop coming, your girl can’t catch a break!

One thing I’ve learned over the years and while reading the novel “The Wine of Astonishment” by Earl Lovelace, is that God doesn’t give you more than you can bear, and often times we feel that God has given up on us when truly God isn’t even done with you yet. Girl, get a grip. You’re his work in progress, God will never leave you by the wayside, so brush yourself off, take his hand, step right into your purpose and keep going. It’s not over until it’s over.

In the next three years, I know for a fact, I will be at my happiest basking in insurmountable joy, travelling the world, meeting new people, and being with those that mean the world to me, and that includes family and friends, by then, I’ll get to meet some of my online friends ’cause I spend a lot of time on the Internet especially on the apps. That’s all that matters to me right now, I just wanna be happy; I deserve to live a life that is worth fulfilling, a life that grants me true happiness. There’s so much I will accomplish, so much of the world that I will experience. There’s nothing in life that is out of my reach, I can have it all. Whatever I set my eyes on, is already mine. I am in control of my own destiny.

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